Section: New Results

Applications in Neuroradiology and Neurological Disorders

Imaging biomarkers in Multiple Sclerosis: from image analysis to population imaging

Participants : Christian Barillot, Gilles Edan, Olivier Commowick.

The production of imaging data in medicine increases more rapidly than the capacity of computing models to extract information from it. The grand challenges of better understanding the brain, offering better care for neurological disorders, and stimulating new drug design will not be achieved without significant advances in computational neuroscience. The road to success is to develop a new, generic, computational methodology and to confront and validate this methodology on relevant diseases with adapted computational infrastructures. This new concept sustains the need to build new research paradigms to better understand the natural history of the pathology at the early phase; to better aggregate data that will provide the most complete representation of the pathology in order to better correlate imaging with other relevant features such as clinical, biological or genetic data. In this context, one of the major challenges of neuroimaging in clinical neurosciences is to detect quantitative signs of pathological evolution as early as possible to prevent disease progression, evaluate therapeutic protocols or even better understand and model the natural history of a given neurological pathology. Many diseases encompass brain alterations often not visible on conventional MRI sequences, especially in normal appearing brain tissues (NABT). MRI has often a low specificity for differentiating between possible pathological changes which could help in discriminating between the different pathological stages or grades. The objective of medical image analysis procedures is to define new quantitative neuroimaging biomarkers to track the evolution of the pathology at different levels. We have published a position paper in Medical Image Analysis [2] that illustrates this issue in one acute neuro-inflammatory pathology: Multiple Sclerosis (MS). It exhibits the current medical image analysis approaches and explains how this field of research will evolve in the next decade to integrate larger scale of information at the temporal, cellular, structural and morphological levels.

Multiple Sclerosis lesion segmentation using an automated multimodal Graph Cut

Participants : Jérémy Beaumont, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

In this work, we present an algorithm for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) lesion segmentation. Our method is fully automated and includes three main steps: 1. the computation of a rough total lesion load in order to optimize the parameter set of the following step; 2. the detection of lesions by graph cut initialized with a robust Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm; 3. the application of rules to remove false positives and to adjust the contour of the detected lesions. This work was part of the FLI 2016 MSSEG challenge data organized at MICCAI 2016 [25].

Automatic Multiple Sclerosis lesion segmentation from Intensity-Normalized multi-channel MRI

Participants : Jérémy Beaumont, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

In the context of the FLI MICCAI 2016 MSSEG challenge for lesion segmentation, we present a fully automated algorithm for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) lesion segmentation. Our method is composed of three main steps. First, the MS patient images are registered and intensity normalized. Then, the lesion segmentation is done using a voxel-wise comparison of multi-channel Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) against a set of controls. Finally, the segmentation is refined by applying several lesion appearance rules. This work was part of the FLI 2016 MSSEG challenge data organized at MICCAI 2016 [21].